2021 Summer Robotics Research Program for High School Students
Advised by Computer Science Professor Dr. John Seng
All sessions led by a computer science professor - Build your contact network from day one.
Flexible scheduling - Summer is a busy time and our program provides flexibility.
Projects tailored to student abilities - Take your project as far as you can go.
Learn from home - Learn important concepts from your own city and state.
Participate in this 6-week program where high school students meet individually with a professor for 1-hour a week (6 meetings total) and learn through a robotics research project.
Project topics will be software oriented and may include (subject to experience and interest):
Developing robot software in C, C++, or Python
Machine learning and AI
Robot navigation and simulation
Embedded systems and circuit board design
3-D printing and modelling
Programs complete for Summer 2021
Check back for information on next summer
Additional Information
Students will be surveyed on their technical skills, knowledge, and desired outcomes. Based on survey results, projects will be tailored according to the capabilities and aptitude of the student. During the week, students are expected to work independently on the project (with email support and with office hour support as necessary). If other students are available, students may potentially work in teams. The most successful students will be those with good problem solving skills and a desire to learn.
Students will learn what it is like to tackle an engineering problem, which often involves developing the initiative to find solutions. This is what separates this experience from a traditional summer camp.
Additionally, time will be spent on discussing the college application process: colleges, majors, future career options. Students can receive advising regarding research universities, teaching universities, and have general questions answered about selecting colleges.
This program is not involved with Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate admissions in any way. Participation in this program does not count for any type of academic credit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there meetings besides the 6 sessions?
There will be additional office hours meetings for discussion of questions and issues. This overall experience differs from a summer camp in that the outside student work on the project drives a lot of the learning. This is also what allows flexibility in the meeting times.
What are the dates and times?
Program dates are flexible in regards to scheduling around summer trips and other activities. Sessions can start as early as June 15, 2021 and can end as late as September 12, 2021.
Will I need access to specialized hardware?
A number of the projects can be run on a laptop computer, so this allows projects to be completely remote when necessary.
What is the expectation for student work outside of meetings?
Students are expected to work on projects 7-10 hours per week outside of meetings.
What grade levels are suitable for the program?
Preference is given to students who have completed 10th or 11th grade, but students having completed 9th grade with robotics experience will be considered as well.
The cost for this summer program is $600.
For students that would like to work with a friend for the summer, a 10% discount is applied for each student
Approval is required before students can participate.
Please e-mail for more information regarding payment options.
Contact Information
Please email jseng@calpoly.edu for more sign up information.
Dr. John Seng is a professor in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering programs at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo. His educational background includes Northwestern University along with UC San Diego and he has been a visiting instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. His teaching experience includes offering robotics, computer architecture, embedded systems, and operating systems courses. A number of his former students are currently employed in robotics, AI, and computer engineering positions at companies such as: Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Zoox, Cruise, Cisco, Intel, and NVIDIA. Some are currently in Ph.D. programs or have completed their Ph.D. He is the co-creator of a robot used in an NVIDIA robotics teaching kit for educators. Additionally, he is the creator of the autonomous robot Herbie (@hey_herbie on Instagram). The following links are to Herbie related videos:
He has led robotics workshops for elementary school students and international students. In addition, he has been recognized through a number of teaching awards as an instructor in the computer engineering program at Cal Poly. More information can be found at this website or feel free to contact jseng@calpoly.edu directly.